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The perfect product doesn't exist. That's for sure. On the other hand, we do our utmost to get as close to perfection as possible, with particular care taken in the choice of materials and the shaping of our products. In spite of this, it can happen that some pieces present small aesthetic imperfections:  a scratch, a slight crease in the leather, a trace left by a tool in the workshop or following handling of the product... In short, nothing serious, and above all nothing that would call into question the use of the product or its durability over time.

So rather than leave these products on the shelf, we've decided to offer them to you at a reduced price. Every imperfection has been photographed for you to see before you buy. And, as with all products in our collections, you have 14 days to change your mind and benefit from a 2-year guarantee.

These Imperfects also include a few samples. These are products with no imperfections. They have simply not been marketed in their original state, as changes have been made to the final product. The samples we offer are of course of the same quality as the products in our collections. They simply have a few different details that we have photographed.